• EU Taxonomy
  • In the context of the EU's "Green Deal" to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, the "EU Taxonomy" regulation was adopted in 2020. Its aim is to gradually transition towards sustainable and inclusive economic practices by regulating financial markets, redirecting capital flows towards sustainable investments.

    In practical terms, this means that all investments must be assessed based on specific quality criteria to determine whether they make certain contributions to climate protection.

    However, the obligation does not require actual green investments; it solely concerns the declaration of whether a capital flow is green or not. Since every property, at some point, whether through sale or loans for renovations or similar activities, enters this reporting capital flow, it is advisable and necessary to determine and plan for the taxonomic suitability and conformity of a property in the long term.

    The FOAM Civil Engineering Company assesses compliance with critical property standards and advises its clients on the necessary measures to achieve the required benchmarks.

    Our experts support investors and asset managers in transforming existing properties into sustainable real estate.

    Due to our expertise in digitalization and data processing (BIM), we also offer the possibility of long-term control of reinvestments through digital twins.